Rubber Organizations

Viet Nam
Name of Organization: Rubber Research Institute of Vietnam (RRIV)

Director, Rubber Research Institute of Vietnam, 236 Bis, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

+8483 9326 312 /
+8483 9326 313
+8483 9326 314
Year of Establishment: 1941
Nature of Organization: Government body​
Key Functions:
• Research on synchronic agricultural techniques (clones, planting methods, upkeeping, harvesting, crop protection…), gene pool conservation
• Research on natural rubber quality control
• Research on rubber technology, environment, wastewater treatment
• Providing information on advanced scientific technology
• Transfer of technology:
• Consulting, training of agricultural techniques, Natural rubber quality management, treating wastewater…
• Conformity inspection on clones, propagating and providing first grade clones…
• Soil survey and classification to identify suitable land for rubber trees.
• Producing and processing latex stimulant, crop protection products, materials,
chemicals for rubber trees.
• Manufacturing and processing technical and others rubber products.
• Maintaining, repairing machines for testing natural rubber quality.
• Transferring technological copyright after research: clones, cultivation techniques,
processing natural rubber, treating wastewater…
• Natural Rubber Scientific and Technological Newsletter (bimonthly, Vietnamese)
The Vietnam Rubber Association (VRA)
Name of Organization: The Vietnam Rubber Association (VRA)

Chairman, The Vietnam Rubber Association, No. 236 Bis, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

+8483 9322 605

+8483 9320 372

Year of Establishment: 2002
Year in Operation: 2004
Nature of Organization: Non-government voluntary organization of enterprises, organizations and individuals relating to Viet Nam rubber industry operates at the national level.
Key Function(s):
• Coordinating and assisting members’ activities in business and trade promotion
• Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of members
• Providing information to members
• Providing recommendations to governmental agencies on strategies, policies to safeguard and encourage business in the rubber industry
• Monthly News Bulletins on the activities of VRA and members, current situation of Viet Nam rubber industry and global rubber market
• Special presentations and reports on the situtation and strategy of the Viet Nam rubber industry development
• Website www.vra.com.vn providing news, information on the rubber industry and daily prices of exported natural rubber (FOB)
• Annual Viet Nam Rubber Business Directory
Rubber Research Institute of Vietnam (RRIV)